Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR1
- V Varlamov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR2
- Юрий Чувильский ()
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR2
- Юрий Чувильский ()
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR1
- V Varlamov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR2
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR1 Experiment neutrons
- Yuri Kopatch (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR1 Experiment neutrons
- Yuri Kopatch (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: NR2
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
- Alexander Kuznetsov (Lomonosov Moscow State university, Faculty of Physics; Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
- Alexander Kuznetsov (Lomonosov Moscow State university, Faculty of Physics; Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
- Vladimir Maslov (1Slobodskoy proezd 69, 220025 Minsk, Byelorussia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
- Vladimir Maslov (1Slobodskoy proezd 69, 220025 Minsk, Byelorussia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: Neutrino physics and nuclear astrophysics
- Alexander Chepurnov (SINP MSU)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: High energies
- Alexander Chepurnov (SINP MSU)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
- V Varlamov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions: Few body
- Vladimir Melezhik (BLTP JINR)
Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
- V Varlamov (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
The experiments were performed at the beam of the MT-25 microtron, FLNR, JINR, using VEGA (V–E Guide based Array) setup. Fission fragments (FFs) from the $^{235, 238}$U ($ɣ, f$) reactions are captured by the electrostatic guide system (EGS). The EGS constitutes a cylindrical capacitor of four meters long with a thin wire as a central electrode. Some part of the ions emitted from the target at...
Appearance of new experimental data on the energy spectra of fast alpha particles emitted in heavy-ion reactions [1,2] requires development of microscopic models of such processes. The mechanism of nonequilibrium emission of alpha particles after capture of the projectile nucleus by the target nucleus is studied within the microscopic approach based on the time-dependent Schrödinger equation...
Influence of the entrance channel asymmetry on the fission properties of excited $^{180}$Hg nuclei
K.A. Kulkov$^{1,2}$, E.M. Kozulin$^{1,2}$, A.A. Bogachev$^1$, G.N. Knyazheva$^{1,2}$, I.M. Itkis$^1$, K.V. Novikov$^{1,2}$, I.V. Vorobiev$^1$
$^1$Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Moscow oblast, 141980 Russia
$^2$Dubna State...
We investigate the scattering of the deuteron on 208Pb below the Coulomb barrier based on the non-perturbative time-dependent basis function (tBF) approach[1]. We obtain the bound and discretized scattering states of the projectile, which form the basis representation of the tBF approach, by diagonalizing a realistic Hamiltonian in a large harmonic oscillator basis.
We find that the...
The yields and average cross sections of the photonuclear reactions $^{238}U(\gamma,n)$ and $^{238}U(\gamma,F)$ are measured at a maximum bremsstrahlung energy of 55 $MeV$. Based on the analysis of the residual activity spectra of the products of the $^{238}U(\gamma,F)$ photofission reaction, the cumulative yields were measured for about 40 mass chains. The cross sections for the reactions...
T. I. Mikhailova1, B. Erdemchimeg1,2, Yu. M. Sereda1
1Joint Institute for Nuclear research, Dubna, Russia;
2 National University of Mongolia, NRC, Ulaanbааtar, Mongolia
Fragmentation reactions at Fermi energies are studied for decades since 1970th. They are of...
The mass-total kinetic energy(M-TKED) of fission fragments of the reaction 6Li+232Th were measured at two laboratory energies Elab = 28.5 and 40 MeV [1] using the CORSET set up at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction. The transfer induced fission and/or the breakup of 6Li mainly into α and d clusters contributes to the incomplete fusion in this reaction. The binary events within the gate...
In the interaction reactions of weakly bound cluster nuclei, the structure of these nuclei can manifest itself with a high probability. It is expressed in cross sections for these processes, in particular, in the multinucleon transfer reaction and the transfer reaction of individual clusters [1,2].
In order to study the influence of the cluster structure on the mechanism of nuclear reactions,...
This paper presents a study on the microscopical modelling of the cluster formation in the cold fission of actinides.
In the last three decades, the situation in experimental and theoretical investigation of clustering effects in multimodal fission has changed dramatically [1,2,3].
Based on our cold fission multi-valley calculations in the framework of Strutinsky shell correction...
Energy dependence of the total cross sections σ${_{\rm{R}}}$(E) for reactions ${}^{10,11,12}$Be + ${}^{28}$Si, ${}^{59}$Co, ${}^{181}$Ta are presented. The 4π-methods of σ${_{\rm{R}}}$ measurements are based on registration of prompt γ-quanta and neutrons using a 12-module 4π-spectrometer [1]. The results of the two methods for calculating the total reaction cross sections are...
In our previous publications [1–4] we discussed various manifestations of a new decay channel of the low excited heavy nuclei called collinear cluster tri-partition (CCT). In the frame of the essentially modified experimental method, additional linear structures corresponding to the relations M$_1$ $+$ M$_2$ $=$ const and M$_1$ $–$ M$_2$ $=$ const for the masses M1 and M2 of the fission...
Usually the differential cross sections (DCSs) of nucleon transfer reactions (NTR) are analyzed within the conventional DWBA for determination of a nucleonic spectroscopic factor S (SF) by normalization of the calculated DCS to the experimental data ([1] and references therein). The SF have strong dependence on the single-particle potential parameters. In contrast of the SF, the values of the...
In [1,2], a virtual mechanism of ternary fission of the nucleus (A, Z) was proposed, which is considered as a two-stage process, when at the first stage an α-particle with kinetic energy $T_{\alpha}$ close to the height of its Coulomb barrier emits from the specified nucleus, with the formation of a virtual state of the intermediate nucleus (A – 4, Z – 2), which at the second stage is...
The mass is a fundamental property of an atom comprising all information on its constituents and their interactions. Thus, it carries information on the internal structure of the nucleus, reveal the quantum mechanical shell structure within complex nuclei and determine the energy available for nuclear transformations in radioactive decay processes. Mass measurements allow us to benchmark...
In [1–2], the coefficients of P-even T-odd asymmetries in the cross sections for nu-clear fission reactions by cold polarized neutrons with the emission of light particles p were found, expressed in terms of experimental particle count rates p in coincidence with light fission fragments for the directions of polarization vector either along or against the Y axis. For the theoretical...
For further physical and chemical studies of superheavy elements (SHEs), SHE Factory was constructed at FLNR JINR. The facility is based on a new DC-280 heavy-ion accelerator that can deliver 48Ca beams with a projected intensity of 6*1013 ions per second. The first experimental setup of the SHE Factory is a gas-filled recoil separator DGFRS-2 with a QvDhQhQvD magnet configuration. A model of...
The experimental angular distributions for α-particles elastically
scattered from the 12C nucleus in the energy range of 48.7–386 MeV and
for the 6He+12C nuclear system in the energy range of 5.9–493.8 MeV
have been reanalyzed. Data analysis is performed within the framework
of both the optical model (OM) and the double-folding optical model
(DFOM). In this model, the real part of...
In [1], it was rightly noted that “nuclear fission remains the most complex topic in applied nuclear physics”. The current state of the theory based on the model of transition states at fission barriers does not allow one to reproduce the fission cross section of a nucleus by neutrons as a function of their energy without using a significant number of fitting parameters. This is partly due to...
The study of the differential cross sections angular dependence of the reactions 16O(alpha, alpha) [ 1 ] and 15N(alpha, t)16O(3–) [2] at E_alpha = 30.3 MeV was carried out. Both magnitude and shape of the measured cross sections and large value of E3 transition between the ground and 3– level of 16O nucleus justify the use of CCBA formalism, when both couple channels method (CC) and DWBA are...
Sh. Zeynalov, O. Sidorova1
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna Moscow region Russia
1Dubna State University
Investigations of prompt fission neutron emission are of importance in understanding the fission process in general and the sharing of excitation energy among the fission fragments in particular. Experimental activities at JINR on prompt fission neutron (PFN)...
The thermonuclear reaction $d({}^3\!He,\alpha)p$ is a very rich playground to study various phenomena in different fields of science. Astrophysicists use data of the cross section to build and tune a theory of primordial nucleosynthesis. Most nuclear reactions data doesn’t contain energy dependencies below several keV, the most interesting region for astrophysics.
From a practical point of...
Pre-fission neutrons influence the observed prompt fission neutron spectra (PFNS), TKE, average number of prompt fission neutrons, (n,F) and (n,xn) reaction cross sections. Though pre-fission neutrons in 235U(n,F) were first observed around En~14 MeV [1] and then at En~7 MeV [2], only now measured data base [3-6] allows to demonstrate the complex influence of fissility of nuclides 236U and...
An atmospheric production of 14C radioisotope goes by the 14N(n,p)14C reaction under cosmogenic fluxes and this process is considered as the main source of radiocarbon creation which rate of accumulation is evaluated as ~ 6.6 kg per year. An exclusively opportunities of dating based on the analysis of 14C concentration in the very old and ancient organic samples led to the discovery of...
Present work is dedicated to the description of the set-up designed for precise measurements of the energy dependence of aggregate delayed neutron characteristics in the energy range of primary neutrons from thermal to 20 MeV. The set-up constructed on the base of Tandem-3M accelerator of SSC RF – IPPE consisted of high-efficiency neutron detector, spectrometer of primary neutrons, pneumatic...
The evolution of the probability density of the outer weakly bound neutron of the $^{11}$Be nucleus (Fig. 1) in collision with the $^{28}$Si nucleus is described based on numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation [1, 2]. The probabilities of outer neutron removal due to the processes of neutron transfer and nuclear breakup are determined. The results of calculating the...
Asymmetry and spatial parity non-conserving effects were investigated in slow neutrons induced processes on 35Cl nucleus. Forward — backward, left — right and parity non conservation effects were evaluated in the (n,p) reaction for neutrons energy up to 1 keV. Cross sections, necessary angular correlations, asymmetry and spatial parity breaking effects were evaluated in the frame mixing parity...
Optical model analysis [1] of proton elastic scattering on 6Li nuclei at proton energy from 50 keV to 185 MeV was continued with the use of the optical-model program code OptModel [2] taking into account the resonance contribution. Polarization data [3] in 1.21 to 3.22 MeV proton energy Ep range were added into set of the early used elastic scattering experimental data.
1. L.N. Generalov,...
In this paper, based on Glauber's diffraction theory, we analyze the results of a recent experiment [1] on the scattering of protons by 7Ве and 8В nuclei at an energy of 0.7 GeV/nucleon, in the range of momentum transfer 0.002≤ |t|≤ 0.05 (ГэВ/с)2. The experiments were carried out by the GSI-PNPI collaboration (Germany-Russia) on the GSI radioactive beam (Darmstadt, Germany) in inverse...
The presented work is carried out analyzes and evaluation of available experimental data on the Li(n,α)T reaction cross section in order to obtain the recommended data. The reaction cross section Li(n,α)T--σnα (En) in neutron physics is often used as a reference quantity. In the neutron energy range En from 0.025 eV to 100 keV, the cross section is known with an accuracy of 1÷3%. In the energy...
In this study, proton capture and (p,xn) nuclear reactions on natural isotopes of Sr were investigated at incident protons up to 30-35 MeV. Taking into account all nuclear reaction mechanisms, cross sections, angular distributions, and isotope productions have been analyzed. A Hauser-Feshbach formalism was employed to describe compound processes, an approximation of Distorted Wave Born...
Information about nuclear reactions and properties of nuclei is often needed during nuclear data processing. Access to the nuclear databases from applied software is often difficult because of complex file format or database structure. To simplify usage of the nuclear data a specific toolkit TalysLib was developed.
TalysLib is a ROOT-based C++ object-oriented library. It uses wide...
The spontaneous disintegration of an unstable nucleus to attain a relatively stable configuration is known as radioactivity. Generally, it is considered that the radioactive decay happens via emission of the alpha particle, beta particle and gamma radiation. Apart from this, cluster radioactivity (CR), heavy particle radioactivity (HPR) and spontaneous fission (SF) are also probable ground...
This work presents the results of a study of the new true coaxial high-purity germanium p-type detector with a segmented n+ region. One of the main features of the detector is flowing endcap, which is allow to place a source or target inside of the detector. Thanks to it and six-fold segmentation of the crystal, it is possible to determine the direction of individual photons emitted from the...
The reliability of experimental cross sections of partial photoneutron reactions (g,1n) and (g,2n) for 58,60Ni obtained using both bremsstrahlung [1-4] and quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons [5] were analyzed using the objective physical criteria. The ratios of partial reaction cross sections to that of neutron yield reaction Fi = CS(g,in)/CS(g,xn) = CS(g,in)/[CS(g,1n) + 2CS(g,2n)] were...
Cross sections of partial reactions, primarily (g,1n) and (g,2n, are widely used in both scientific researches and applications. There are two main methods for obtaining those in various experiments. The majority of CS(g,1n) and CS(g,2n) for was obtained using quasimonoenergetic annihilation photons [1,2] in Livermore (USA) and Saclay (France). The method of photoneutron multiplicity sorting...
Studies of yields for photonuclear reactions with production of 12B((T½) = 20.2 ms) and 12N((T½) = 11.0 ms) are interesting both for development of models of nuclear reactions with nuclei-products near the boundaries of stability to nucleon-emission, and for detection of hidden explosives and drugs (see, e.g., [1]) with (12B and 12N)- activity registration.
In [2, 3], there were considered...
Cross sections for photonuclear reactions in the energy range of giant dipole resonance have often been measured. One of the most commonly used experimental methods was the activation of a selected material in a high-energy bremsstrahlung beam. Considering that there is still a need for reliable results of cross-sectional measurements of photonuclear reactions, this work will refer to some...
A. V. Druzhinina$^{1}$, S. S. Belyshev$^{1,2}$, V. V. Khankin$^{2}$, A. A. Kuznetsov$^{1,2}$
$^{1}$Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; $^{2}$Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
From measurements of gamma ray activities, induced by...
It is generally accepted that photonuclear reactions caused by photons occur in two stages in region of giant dipole resonance (GDR): the excitation of the nucleus as a system and its decay according to statistical laws. Neutron emission is the most well studied decay channel. Its output has a much greater magnitude than other reactions: (γ, 2n), (γ, p), etc. In addition, the direct...
The study of the photon interactions with atomic nuclei remains a topical experimental and theoretical task at the present time. Despite the accumulated scientific base, there is no unified theory describing the emission of charged particles for a wide range of nuclei. The main reason is the paucity of experimental data on the emission of charged particles. In addition, such studies are of...
Data of the cross sections and population yields of high-spin isomeric states in reactions with the emission of charged particles makes it possible to obtain various information both on the structure of excited levels in the continuous and discrete excitation regions and on the nuclear reaction mechanisms. Therefore, the present work aim is to study the 87,91,92Sr yields in reactions with...
The study of the atomic nuclei photodisintegration is one of the important tasks of fundamental nuclear physics, since a quantitative comparison of such important branches of giant resonance decay as (γ, n) and (γ, p) channels has not yet been carried out. This is due to the limited measurements of photoproton cross sections. Data of the radionuclide yields on iron atoms are also important for...
The study of photonuclear reactions on nickel isotopes is of great fundamental and applied importance. The study of (γ, n)- and (γ, p)-reactions on nickel isotopes makes it possible to study the nature of direct, semi-direct, and statistical processes in such nuclei region.
We have carried out activation studies of weighted average yields of (γ, p)-reactions for 58,62Ni with the 20 MeV...
The unfolding method is a well-known technique used in nuclear physics. This method is usually used to unfold the neutron spectrum based on a measurement of neutron activities in various energy ranges and known cross sections for reactions of interest. But it has also found application in various fields of nuclear physics. The basis of this method is that the activity measured in an...
Combined talk
NEW ISOMER Т1/2 = (1.8 ± 0.2) min 156Нo
S.I. Tyutyunnikov1, V.I. Stegailov1, V.G. Kalinnikov1S.V. Rozov1, V.V. Kobets1,
S.A. Evseev1, N.G. Shakun1, T.N. Tran1, Yu. A. Vaganov1, V.P. Volnykh1.
A.A. Smirnov2, A. G. Letov2, R.L. Zinovyev1.
1 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,...
The cross-section of the superheavy element’s yields produced in collision of heavy ions is extremely small. One of the main reasons for this smallness comes from the fact that the compound nucleus produced in this collision possesses the excitation energy which substantially exceeds its fission barrier and therefore practically immediately performs fission into the two fragments. Moreover,...
It had been shown [1] that accounting for the zero-point oscillations (ZPO) of the shape of colliding complex nuclei results in increasing substantially the calculated sub-barrier capture (fusion) cross-sections. Calculations in [1] was made in a simplified way with a schematic nucleus-nucleus potential.
In the present work we develop an advanced method for taking into account the ZPO of...
Description of the internuclear interaction is the one of the most important tasks in analysis of various nuclear reactions. In particular, the position and height of the barrier determined by Coulomb and nuclear interactions should be estimated in order to evaluate general properties of fusion of heavy nuclei.
The calculations of fusion barriers are carried out within the double-folding...
Experiments which were performed by use of the alpha-particle beam of SINP MSU cyclotron are the subject of the present talk. Results of the investigations of the relative yield of high-spin and low-spin isomers in reactions 86Sr (α,n)89Zr, 112Sn(α,n)115Te, 134Ba (α,n)137Ce in the energy range of the alpha particles 15 – 31 MeV based on off-beam measurements of induced activity of members of...
N.V. Novikov, N. G.Chechenin, A. A.Shirokova
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The study of the mechanisms of formation and decay of an excited nucleus is important for describing the characteristics of fragments of a nuclear reaction [1]. The...
About 50 years ago international community started the job in compilation, computer processing and dissemination of nuclear data essential to the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies. The scope of the IAEA Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) includes nuclear data for both various applications, as well as for basic nuclear science. The important...
The study of ion-ion interactions at high energies is one of the main directions of modern nuclear physics. A significant number of Monte Carlo models have been developed in this direction, that require both experimental verification and improvement of their basic approaches. Also, the processes of nucleon charge exchange in ion fragmentation are poorly studied. There are only a few...
The 13C(α,n)16O reaction is important for some application including neutrino measurements, nuclear astrophysics and nuclear power industry. The measurement of the total neutron yields (TNY) from this reaction has a high priority [1] because this data are used for normalization and testing the experimental data and the cross-section evaluations. The existing sets of experimental data on TNY...
PAMELA magnetic spectrometer [1] includes a set of detectors, each of which measures the energy losses of charged particles along its trajectory. In total, it is possible to obtain up to 6 values of energy loss in detectors of the time-of-flight system, up to 12 values in the track system, and up to 43 values in the calorimeter. This information combined with rigidity and velocity measurements...
The aim of this work is to study the cross-section of the inelastic interactions of nuclei with tungsten based on the data of PAMELA space experiment [1]. This instrument is a magnetic spectrometer designed to study fluxes of charged particles in cosmic rays, which was launched into the near-Earth orbit aboard the Resurs-DK1 satellite; data collection continued from 2006 to 2016. PAMELA...
The recently approved NA66/AMBER experiment (Apparatus for Meson and Baryon Experimental Research) at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron pursues a broad research program. An essential part of the program is a measurement of the antiproton production cross section in proton-helium collisions, which will provide much needed input for the searches of Dark Matter. This, as well as other proposed...
При расчете сечения взаимодействия нейтрино с атомными ядрами σ(Eν) необходимо рассчитывать структуру зарядово-обменной силовой функции S(E) ядра, которая имеет резонансный характер. В докладе представлены расчеты сечения захвата солнечных нейтрино σ(Eν) ядра-ми 98,100Mo. В расчетах использовались экспериментальные данные по силовой функции S(E), полученные в зарядово-обменных реакциях (p, n)...
Selenium-82 is a perspective isotope for neutrino investigations. Recently in experiments, produced with the help of NEMO-3 detector [1], which is composed of a tracker and a calorimeter, capable to reconstruct the full topology of processes and measurements, performed at CUPID-0 setup [2], based on Zn82Se scintillating crystals, operated as cryogenic bolometers, nuclear mechanism of ...
The aim of the project is to study the mechanisms of hadron-nuclear interactions at the Hyperon experimental setup located on beam line 18 of the U-70 accelerator complex, Protvino. It is proposed to upgrade the setup so that to be able to study additionally the excited states of secondary nuclei by means of precision nuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy in dependence on the specific type of...
In accelerator-based neutrino experiments, the momentum of an interacting neutrino is known with poor accuracy. The type of neutrino interacting in the detector is not known definitely also.
These problems could be solved by using tagged neutrino beams. The idea of tagged neutrino beams is that, simultaneously, with the registration of neutrino interaction, a special tagging station measures...
The deuteron beam vector polarization was obtained at the Nuclotron Internal Target Station using quasielastic proton-proton scattering on the polyethylene target. The selection of useful events was performed using the time and amplitude information from scintillation counters. The asymmetry on hydrogen was obtained by the subtraction of the carbon background. The values of vector...
Earlier this year the commissioning of an all-around Construction Management information System (CMIS) was completed as a joint effort of two JINR Laboratories (LHEP and LIT). The system is particularly useful for the fine-grained control and continuous feedback of the production of complex multipart objects like the detectors subsystems composing the MultiPurpose Detector of the NICA...
During last couple of years, the probability of incomplete fusion in heavy ion induced reactions for both strongly bound and loosely bound projectiles has been observed at energies as low as 4 – 5 MeV/A [1 – 4]. The HI induced reactions are important in basic research for the fundamental understanding of reaction mechanism and to test the validity of various parameters existing in available...
The role of closed proton and neutron shells in the fission of 248Cf and 254,256Fm nuclei at excitation energies from 40 to 56 MeV was studied. Earlier, multimodal fission of the light 233Pa [1] as well as the heavy No [2] actinide nuclei was observed. Moreover, for these nuclei the manifestation of the superasymmetric fission mode was found. To check the presence of the fission modes in...
Recently, there has been increased interest in experimental studies on the production of new isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions [1,2]. Reactions on 48Ca ion beams are successfully used for the synthesis of new nuclei in a wide range of masses and charges. In particular, it is of interest to obtain new isotopes with the number of neutrons N = 126 in the reaction channels of...
The $^4$He + $^2$H system is of great importance for nuclear astrophysics because the radiative capture proceeding in this system is responsible for production of the $^6$Li nuclei during the primordial nucleosynthesis. In this work, the $^4$He + $^2$H radiative capture reaction is considered from the microscopic viewpoint within a developed approach [1, 2] based on clustering aspects of...
The angular distributions for the 11.28 MeV, 11.82 MeV and 13.79 MeV states are obtained from the experiment on the scattering of alpha particles with energies of 30 and 90 MeV. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the DWBA model, which made it possible to determine the values of the spin-parity of the states under study. Determining the value of the spin-parities made it...
This article present the result of the MuSun experiment, precise measurement of muon capture rate by deuteron (Ld). The rate of the reaction µd(F=1/2)→vµ+n+ n is measured with precision 1%. That accuracy makes it possible to fix the low-energy constant (LEC) in an effective EFT field theory in a model-independent way. After that this makes it possible to reliably calculate the cross sections...
Reliable data on the 7Li(p,)4He and on 7Li(p,p’γ)7Li reactions cross section are important for many applications, including fusion and accelerator neutron sources with a lithium target. The existing cross-section datasets in the literature are unfortunately inadequate and discrepant in many cases. Measurements of the reactions cross section were carried out at the accelerator-based neutron...
Differential cross-sections for 12C(a,a0)12C scattering have been measured at the 150° and 170° angles for alpha beam energies ranging from 3.5 to 6.5 MeV. At alpha beam energies greater than ~2.2 MeV the 12C(a,a0)12C cross-section is non-Rutherford. For ion beam analysis of carbon, enhanced cross-sections at elevated energies provide increased sensitivity and separation of the partial...
The possibility of the existence of quasi-stationary state of a neutron and a proton in the 1S0 state with a mass slightly less than the sum of the masses of the neutron and proton is discussed in a number of works. This work discusses the manifestations of this level in electromagnetic interactions - radiative capture np-dγ and scattering of gamma quanta by deuterons. The problem of the...
Combined talk
M.S. Novikov, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, G.V. Trubnikov, V.I. Stegailov,
V.P.Volnykh, T.N. Tran.
JINR, Dubna, Russia, E-mail:,...
A kinematically complete experiment to determine the $np$-scattering length in the $n + d → (np) + n$ reaction on the neutron beam of the RADEX channel of the INR RAS was carried out. In the experiment a recoil neutron as well as a neutron from the breakup of the $np$ system was registered. The primary neutron energy and the proton energy from the breakup of the $np$ system was reconstructed...
Excitation functions (EFs) of alpha induced reactions in the intermediate energy region are of increasing importance for a wide variety of applications e.g., medical radioisotope production, radiation and shielding effects in space and technology development of an accelerator driven system for transmutation of nuclear waste or for energy production [1,2]. In addition to above mentioned facts...
We have applied the new version of coupled channel method with asymptotic coupling of the exit channels to the computation fusion cross sections and the astrophysical S-factor of sub-barrier and above-barrier reactions to study the deep sub-barrier fusion hindrance phenomenon in [1, 2]. It applied also to study fusion reaction $^{40}$Ca+$^{208}$Pb, leading to the formation of the transfermium...
The neutron-induced fission cross sections of 236U and 235U (used as a standard) have been measured simultaneously in the energy range 1-200 MeV at the neutron time-of-flight spectrometer GNEIS based on the 1-GeV proton synchrocyclotron of the NRC KI - PNPI (Gatchina) used as pulsed neutron source [1]. The fission fragments from neutron-induced fission of investigated nuclei were registered by...
A value of a neutron-neutron scattering length was obtained in different experiments. It can be observed that there is a spread in values of a neutron-neutron scattering length $a_{nn}$. In [1] it was suggested that such spread may be explained by influence of 3$N$-forces. It can be assumed that pp-scattering length and energy of $^{1}S_{0}$ virtual state extracted in the $d + ^{1}H → n + p +...
In charge-exchange reactions, only charges of atomic nuclei change, while the total number of nucleons is preserved. Charge-exchange reactions are a particular case of transfer reactions. Charge-exchange reactions (3He, t) as well as reactions (n, p) play a special role. These reactions lead to excitation of isobar-analogue and other single-particle states in the residual nucleus.
The major goals of modern superheavy element physics are the production of superheavy elements with Z=119, 120 and the synthesis of neutron-enriched isotopes, thereby advancing to the center of the “island of stability” (the neutron shell with N=184).
In this talk, a multidimensional dynamical model of nucleus-nucleus collisions based on the Langevin equations [1,2] has been used for analysis...
The report discusses a new method and algorithm for solving the problem of determining the velocity of a heavy ion using a semiconductor detector (PIN diode), using the mathematical formalism of subjective modeling (MFSM), which allows to mathematically formulate both a subjective model of the object under study and a subjective mathematical model of its measurements and their subjective...