Sh. Zeynalov, O. Sidorova1
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980, Dubna Moscow region Russia
1Dubna State University
Investigations of prompt fission neutron emission are of importance in understanding the fission process in general and the sharing of excitation energy among the fission fragments in particular. Experimental activities at JINR on prompt fission neutron (PFN) emission are underway for more than 20 year. Main focus lies on investigations of prompt neutron emission from the reactions 252Cf (sf) and 235U(n,f) carried out in JINR and EC-JRC-IRMM in the region of the resolved resonances. For the last reaction strong fluctuations of fission fragment mass and the mean total kinetic energy distributions have been observed as a function of incident neutron energy [1, 2]. In addition fluctuations of prompt neutron multiplicities were also observed [3]. The goal of the present study is to verify the current knowledge of prompt neutron multiplicity fluctuations and to study correlations with fission fragment properties. Recent measurement of PFN multiplicity in resonance neutron induced fission of 235U(n,f) reaction reveal surprising result, stimulated us to investigate the PFN multiplicity at IREN with new high efficiency experimental setup.
1. Zeinalov Sh.S., Florek M., Furman W.I., Kriatchkov V.A., Zamyatnin Yu. S., Neutron energy dependence of 235U(n,f) mass and TKE distributions around 8.77 eV resonance VII International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclear – Dubna: JINR, -1999. -E3-1999-212. –P. 258-262.
2. F.-J. Hambsch, H.-H. Knitter, C. Budtz-Jorgensen, and J.P. Theobald, Fission mode fluctuation in the resonances of 235U(n,f), Nuclear Physics A -1989. -Vol. 491. –P. 56 – 90.
3. R.E. Howe, T.W. Phillips, C.D. Bowman, Phys. Rev. C 13, 195 (1976)
Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |
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