The evolution of the probability density of the outer weakly bound neutron of the $^{11}$Be nucleus (Fig. 1) in collision with the $^{28}$Si nucleus is described based on numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation [1, 2]. The probabilities of outer neutron removal due to the processes of neutron transfer and nuclear breakup are determined. The results of calculating the cross sections for removal of the outer neutron from the $^{11}$Be nucleus are close to the experimental data [3]. Numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation taking into account spin-orbit interaction [4−6] makes it possible to study the dynamics of removal of the outer weakly bound neutron of the $^{11}$Be nucleus and to determine the contributions of the neutron transfer channels and nuclear breakup in low-energy collisions with a target nucleus.
Fig. 1. Evolution of the probability density for the outer neutron of the $^{11}$Be nucleus in the collision $^{11}$Be + $^{28}$Si at beam energy 55 MeV in the reference frame moving relative to the laboratory frame with a constant velocity equal to the velocity of the projectile nucleus at a sufficiently large distance from the target nucleus. The course of time corresponds to the direction from left to right.
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Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |