In the interaction reactions of weakly bound cluster nuclei, the structure of these nuclei can manifest itself with a high probability. It is expressed in cross sections for these processes, in particular, in the multinucleon transfer reaction and the transfer reaction of individual clusters [1,2].
In order to study the influence of the cluster structure on the mechanism of nuclear reactions, we studied the interaction reactions 6Li+9Be,12C at an energy of 68 MeV. The experiment has been performed at the U-400M cyclotron, FLNR, JINR. The angular distributions of the products formed in these reactions were measured in the range of 10-120 º in the c.m system. The following reaction channels were studied: 9Be(6Li,6Li)9Be, 9Be(6Li,7Li)8Be, 9Be(6Li,6He)9B, 9Be(6Li, 4He)11B, 12C(6Li,6Li)12C, 12C(6Li,7Be )11B in ground and excited states. The obtained experimental data were analyzed within the framework of the optical model and the DWBA method [3].
- Yu E Penionzhkevich, R.G. Kalpakchieva, Light Exotic Nuclei Near the Boundary of Neutron Stability, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd (2021)
- Yu E Penionzhkevich, et.al, Eur. Phys. J. A 31, 185-194 (2007)
- NRV web knowledge base on low-energy nuclear physics.http://nrv.jinr.ru/.
The speaker is a student or young scientist | Yes |
Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |