The yields and average cross sections of the photonuclear reactions $^{238}U(\gamma,n)$ and $^{238}U(\gamma,F)$ are measured at a maximum bremsstrahlung energy of 55 $MeV$. Based on the analysis of the residual activity spectra of the products of the $^{238}U(\gamma,F)$ photofission reaction, the cumulative yields were measured for about 40 mass chains. The cross sections for the reactions $^{238}U(\gamma,n)$ and $^{238}U(\gamma,F)$ are estimated and compared with the results of experiments on quasi-monochromatic beams, estimated cross sections, and calculations using the TALYS program. The post-neutron mass yield distribution of $^{238}U(\gamma,F)$ photofission has been obtained (fig. 1). The behavior of the symmetric and asymmetric modes of photofission is analyzed as a function of the average excitation energy of the fissile nucleus.
Fig. 1. Approximation by five Gaussian functions of the total mass distribution $Y_{M}(A)$ of products formed as a result of $^{238}U$ photofission induced by bremsstrahlung photons at an electron accelerator energy of 55 $MeV$.
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Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |