A kinematically complete experiment to determine the $np$-scattering length in the $n + d → (np) + n$ reaction on the neutron beam of the RADEX channel of the INR RAS was carried out. In the experiment a recoil neutron as well as a neutron from the breakup of the $np$ system was registered. The primary neutron energy and the proton energy from the breakup of the $np$ system was reconstructed from the known emission angles and energies of two neutrons and the fact that a breakup proton was detected in an active deuterated target. The experiment was carried out at low neutron energies $8 - 13$ MeV. The value of the $np$-scattering length was obtained by a comparison of the experimental dependence of the $nd$-breakup reaction yield on the relative energy of the $np$ pair with the simulation results. The obtained value of the $np$-scattering length differs significantly from the value obtained in direct $np$-scattering and can be associated with a significant influence of $3N$-forces.
The speaker is a student or young scientist | Yes |
Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |