A. V. Druzhinina$^{1}$, S. S. Belyshev$^{1,2}$, V. V. Khankin$^{2}$, A. A. Kuznetsov$^{1,2}$
$^{1}$Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; $^{2}$Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: alexdruzhinina@gmail.com
From measurements of gamma ray activities, induced by irradiating $^{59}$Co with 55 MeV bremsstrahlung, the yields of the reactions (γ,n), (γ,2n), (γ,3n), (γ,2pn) were determined. Absolute yields were obtained by reference to cross section data for the Cu(γ,n) process. The isomeric yield ratio (Ym/Yg) of $^{58}$Co, which was measured at this energy, is 1.255±0.004. This value is in a good agreement with previous experimental data, such as 1.33±0.09 at the maximum beam energy equel 54 MeV [1].
The flux-weighted average cross-sections for the (γ,n), (γ,2n) reactions of $^{59}$Co are 18.53±0.03, 6.99±0.04 mb, respectively. They were compared with the flux-weighted average cross-sections obtained from other experimental data, based on mono-energetic and bremsstrahlung data, and theoretical predictions. These results of current experiment are lower then results, obtained by Alvarez [2] for (γ,n) reaction, and higher for (γ,2n) reaction, which are 22.6 mb and 6.19 mb respectively.
The theoretically simulated $^{59}$Co(γ,n)$^{58}$Co, $^{59}$Co(γ,2n)$^{57}$Co reaction average cross-sections based on TALYS show a general agreement with experimental data (18.58, 6.69 mb respectively).
- H. Lichblau, A. Goldmann, Z. Phys., 205, No. 1, 47 (1967).
- R.A. Alvarez, B.L. Berman, Phys. Rev. C, Vol. 20, 1 (1979).
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Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |