11-16 July 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone
For authors of online talks: we will send videoconference links 1 day before the session to e-mail addresses specified in the Registration form

Simulated and experimental characteristics of a gas-filled recoil separator DGFRS-II

12 Jul 2022, 13:10
Физический факультет, СФА

Физический факультет, СФА

Oral talk (15 min + 5 min questions) Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions


Mr Dmitriy Solovyev (FLNR JINR)


For further physical and chemical studies of superheavy elements (SHEs), SHE Factory was constructed at FLNR JINR. The facility is based on a new DC-280 heavy-ion accelerator that can deliver 48Ca beams with a projected intensity of 6*1013 ions per second. The first experimental setup of the SHE Factory is a gas-filled recoil separator DGFRS-2 with a QvDhQhQvD magnet configuration. A model of the DGFRS-2 was created using a GEANT4 toolkit. The main methods of trajectory simulations of heavy ions in gaseous media are presented:
Forming of a compound nucleus in the target layer.
Evaporation of several neutrons from an excited nucleus.
Modeling of multiple scattering of ERs in the target and other separator’s media (filling gas, a Mylar window between the separator and detector volumes, pentane in the detector chamber).
Calculation of energy losses in the target and gaseous media.
Modeling of an ERs recharge process in gas.
Calculation of recoil trajectory in the magnetic fields of the separator.
The calculated data agreed well with the experimental data generated in test experiments.

The speaker is a student or young scientist Yes
Section 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions

Primary authors

Mr Dmitriy Solovyev (FLNR JINR) Mr Nikita Kovrizhnykh (FLNR JINR)

Presentation Materials