11-16 July 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone
For authors of online talks: we will send videoconference links 1 day before the session to e-mail addresses specified in the Registration form

First experiment at the Super Heavy Element Factory. New data in the 243Am + 48Ca reaction.

12 Jul 2022, 10:00
Физический факультет, ауд. 5-19

Физический факультет, ауд. 5-19

Oral talk (15 min + 5 min questions) Nuclear structure: theory and experiment


Nikita Kovrizhnykh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


We present results of the first experiments aimed at the synthesis of Mc isotopes in the 243Am+48Ca reaction performed at the new gas-filled separator DGFRS-2 on-line to the new cyclotron DC280 at the SHE Factory at JINR. One hundred-ten new decay chains of 288Mc, four new decay chains of 287Mc and ten chains assigned to 289Mc were detected. The α-decay of 268Db with an energy of 7.6-8.0 MeV, half-life of 16(+6 -4) h, and a branch of 55(+20 -15) was registered for the first time, and a new spontaneously fissioning isotope 264Lr with a half-life of 4.9(+2.1 -1.3) h was identified. Decay chain of the new superheavy isotope 286Mc has been registered. We firstly observed spontaneous fission of 279Rg. The cross section for the 243Am(48Ca,3n)288Mc reaction was measured to be 17.1(+6.3 -4.7) pb, which is the largest value for a superheavy nucleus at the Island of Stability. The cross section of 243Am(48Ca,5n)286Mc was measured for first time.

The speaker is a student or young scientist No
Section 1. Nuclear structure: theory and experiment

Primary author

Nikita Kovrizhnykh (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Yuriy Oganessian (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Vladimir Utyonkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Farid Abdullin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Sergei Dmitriev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dastan Ibadullaev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Mikhail Itkis (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dmitriy Kuznetsov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Oleg Petrushkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Alexandr Podshibiakin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Alexandr Polyakov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Andrei Popeko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Roman Sagaidak (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Leo Schlattauer (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Vladimir Shubin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Maxim Shumeiko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dmitriy Solovyev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Yuriy Tsyganov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Alexei Voinov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Vladimir Subbotin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

Presentation Materials