11-16 July 2022
Europe/Moscow timezone
For authors of online talks: we will send videoconference links 1 day before the session to e-mail addresses specified in the Registration form


13 Jul 2022, 10:00
1h 30m


Dr Boris Chernyshev (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI)


The results of the analysis of the outputs p, d, t formed under the absorption of stopped π-mesons by silicon nuclei are presented. The measurements were performed using a "live" target - Si detector (analog of the 28Si target). For the 28Si nucleus, the spectrum of primary protons was obtained from the absorption act on the pp pair when both particles (n and p) are not distorted by secondary interactions. It is shown that the data on proton yield do not contradict the assumption that the ratio of widths of elementary pion absorption processes on pn and pp pairs (R’ = 3.5) is constant. "Direct", without excitation, mechanisms of formation of deuterons and tritons on silicon were found, and their yields were estimated at a level ≥ 30%. This result makes it possible to test models of the formation of complex particles associated with the excitation of nuclei.

Section 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions
The speaker is a student or young scientist No

Primary author

Yury Gurov (JINR, MEPhI)


Ms Tat'yuna Leonova (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, ) Dr Boris Chernyshev (National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI) Dr Sergei ROZOV (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)) Dr Vyacheslav Sandukovsky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))

Presentation Materials