A review and analysis of experimental 4π-methods for total reaction cross section σ$_{\rm{R}}$ measurements are presented. The methods for σ$_{\rm{R}}$ measurements are based on the 4π-technique of registering prompt γ-quanta and neutrons in a solid angle close to the full angle Ω = 4π.
The description the method applied to measuring γ-detection efficiency ε(M$_{{\gamma}}$) for various...
New evaluation of 6Li(d,alpha)4He reaction integral cross sections (fig.1) was performed at our SaBa library [1]. Our data obtained from measured differential cross-sections [2, 3] at 3.75-8 MeV deuteron energy were used for evaluation. Astrophysical S-factor evaluated value at zero deuteron energy was (24370±269) MeV•mb.
1. A.G.Zvenigorodskij, V.A.Zherebtsov, L.M.Lazarev et al., The library...
The problem of increasing of the acceleration rate in linear electron accelerators has been one of the key problems for modern accelerator physics for many years. The physical limit of the accelerating field strength for normal (50 - 100 MV/m) and superconducting accelerating structures (over 200 MV/m) has been practically reached, and therefore various new acceleration schemes are being...
emphasized textThe 4th generation synchrotron light source called Ultimate Source of Synchrotron Radiation (USSR-4) is under development at the moment in Russia [1]. Parameters of X-ray radiation of advanced modern Synchrotron Radiation Sources – brightness, coherence and temporal resolution – make it possible to provide experiments to study the structure of the widest range of objects in a...
This paper proposes a new method to smooth out the spectral gamma-lines. Calibration samples supplied with the gamma spectrometer containing radioactive isotopes Eu152, Co60 and Na22were used as test objects. The position, width and area of the peaks obtained as a result of spectrometry characterize the energy and intensity of gamma radiation. As is known, these peaks are superimposed on a...
Latest achievements in experimental study of light nuclei fusion reactions relevant for nuclear astrophysics in the deep subbarrier region required the development of models that make it possible to describe the reaction cross section at low energies [1]. Today there is no unified approach to describe such reactions: a) with excluding of the potential choice ambiguity [2]; b) with the...
The MIM SureCalc® is MonteCarlo Plan verification system (MIM Software Inc. Clevland, OH, USA) used to provide an independent dose calculation calculation check of radiotherapy treatment plans. These module include a voxel based Monte Carlo engine to calculate the dose in the patient. The input data are DICOM RT Image, RT Structure and RT dose derived from treatment planning system. The...
Modern trends of radiation control instruments development require creation of highly efficient high autonomy detection devices with minimal dimensions, which allows radiation safety services to perform inspection of various objects in the most efficient way.
Currently, 3He counters are used in most of the neutron detection devices. An alternative is the use of lithium-doped crystal...
An experimental and theoretical study of the charge distribution for isobar nuclei during photofission of 238U nuclei has been carried out. To study fragments of photofission of 238U nuclei, a gamma-activation method was used, that is, a method in which the radioactivity induced in the target by a beam of γ-quanta from an accelerator is analyzed. An experiment on the irradiation of a uranium...
This work will demonstrate the operation of a model of compact neutron calibration source. Compact neutron calibration source is highly needed for calibration and response function determination of WIMP-oriented dark matter detectors and electron antineutrino detectors. This could be done with neutron calibration source with either known neutron energy spectrum, or by time-of-flight (ToF)...
R.N. Bekmirzaev 1 , Kh.K. Olimov 2
1 Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, 130100, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan,
2 Physical-Technical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 100084, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,
It is known, the interaction of...
The properties of the MSSM Higgs bosons, h and H, through the comparison with the actual experimental data were studied. For such appropriate investigation ATLAS data of the cross sections of Higgs boson decay into b-quarks were considered. In the framework of theoretical research of modeled process the tree-level Higgs sector described by two parameters M$_A$ and tan$\beta$ was used and...
PFN emission of 235U(n,f) reaction are under investigation in JINR for last 20 year. The recent achievements in experimental apparatus simulation are the subject of this presentation. The object of simulation is prompt fission neutron (PFN) detector used for resonance neutron induced fission of U-235. The neutron source was IREN facility and double ionization chamber (DIC) with Frisch grids...
We derive and analyze the confinement potential of the Cornell type between two static color sources within the framework of a generalized Soft Wall holographic approach to strong interactions. This approach was originally developed for describing the linear Regge spectrum of light mesons. The ''linear plus Coulomb'' confinement potential is obtained both in the vector and in scalar channels....
The experimental data on the charge-exchange reactions ${}^{45}$Sc(${}^{3}$He,t)${}^{45}$Ti, ${}^{194}$Pt(${}^{3}$He,t)${}^{194}$Au [1, 2] requires development of microscopic models of such processes. The microscopic approach based on the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the wave function of the independent nucleons [3] does not take into account proton-neutron interaction and...
The results of measuring the energy distribution of neutrons emitted from the $^{252}$Cf source by the DEMON and PARIS detectors are presented. DEMON (DEtecteur MOdulaire de Neutrons) is scintillator detector widely used for neutron detection [1]. PARIS (Photon Array for the studies with Radioactive Ion and Stable beams) is new-built detector consisting of CeBr$_3$ - NaI(Tl) phoswich...
The reaction $^7$Li(p,$\gamma$)$^8$Be is part of the pp-chain in the Sun, leading to the formation of $^8$Be. In the present work, the analysis of the experimental astrophysical S factors S$^{exp}$(E) for the nuclear-astrophysical $^7$Li(p,$\gamma$)$^8$Be reaction in the off-resonance energy region measured in [1] are performed within the modified two body potential approach [2], and...
Calorimetric methods are currently practically the only way to directly measure the characteristics of high energy (TeV and higher) cosmic nuclei. The primary particle, interacting with the substance of the calorimeter, gives rise to a cascade of secondary particles in it. To measure the characteristics of the cascade, the dense matter is interbedded with special detectors. Based on the...
The study of multicluster structures of a nucleus is an urgent task due to the fact that the influence of cluster states, both excited and ground, rather strongly affects the properties of the nuclei under study. In the framework of the diffraction theory and under the assumption of complete absorption inside the interaction sphere, in this work, the authors obtained expansions of the total...
Relativistic mean-field model (RMF) and Skyrme Hartree fock (SHF) approach with effective energy functionals are applied to describe the bulk properties of nuclei. However, SHF model with standard parametrization fails to address the charge isotope shifts in the vicinity of major shell closures [1], which on the other hand is well described by the RMF model calculations [2]. This contrariety...
Radium is the most radiotoxic natural radionuclide, since small amounts of it can accumulate in bone tissue, damaging the bone marrow and mutating bone cells [1]. Radon is a decay product of radium and is ubiquitous in the biosphere and present in soils and building materials. Most people are most exposed to radon in residential and industrial buildings. It accounts for about half of the total...
Radiation-catalytic processes for the production of molecular hydrogen from a mixture of hexane and hexane-water It is of great interest to discover new ways of conversion and use of ionizing radiation for the production of molecular hydrogen, which is a universal energy carrier. The results of the research may be important to clarify the mechanism of the processes that occur under...
The results of the analysis of the outputs p, d, t formed under the absorption of stopped π-mesons by silicon nuclei are presented. The measurements were performed using a "live" target - Si detector (analog of the 28Si target). For the 28Si nucleus, the spectrum of primary protons was obtained from the absorption act on the pp pair when both particles (n and p) are not distorted by secondary...
The industrial idream detector was installed at Unit 3 of Kalinin NPP in spring 2021. Data collection had been going on since last spring and after 4-month break since last november, we has continued data collection this spring, evaluated liquid scintillator stability, background conditions, and would like tell about the first plans to upgrade the detector in the future
The results of measurement of the T20 component tensor analyzing powers in incoherent π0-meson photoproduction on the deuteron in the proton energy range of 50–150 MeV are presented. Experimental statistics of the reaction under study was isolated from the experiment that was designed to investigate coherent neutral pion photoproduction on deuteron [1-3]. In this experiment, protons and two...
Graphene oxide (GO) modification with different compounds for synthesis of new materials with specified properties is the field of interest of modern investigation [1]. Since serum albumin is the main blood protein, it is important to understand the mechanisms of its interaction with medical materials. In present work we propose a novel complex approach of studying interactions between bovine...
Magnetoelectric multiferroics, where a ferromagnetic and a ferroelectric order coexist and are coupled in a single phase, have been a hot topic in condensed matter physics for a long time owing to their ability to facilitate next generation applications. Mainly, understanding of the magnetoelectric effect in single-phase materials is one of the most exciting and interesting topics of research...
Considering the interaction scheme associated with Up quarks, Down quarks and pions and interaction scheme associated with electroweak bosons, we have developed a new model of nucleus. We would like to emphasize the point that atomic nucleus cannot exist without the support of electroweak interaction. Clearly speaking, analogous to the cosmological Lambda term, electroweak interaction helps in...
N.A. Mirzayev a,b*, Kh. Mammadov b, D.V. Karaivanov a,c, N. Temerbulatova a, A. Rakhimov a, S. Rozov a E. Yakushev a , D. Filosofov a
aLaboratory of Nuclear Problems, JINR, Dubna, 141980, Russia
bInstitute of Radiation Problems of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
cInstitute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia,...
A development and construction of comparatively cheap and compact (several meters scale) X-ray sources is possible with the help of inverse Compton scattering of laser photons on an electron bunch. Such sources can be used in the field of materials science (new materials, diagnostics of nanostructures at the atomic level), research of nano- and biosystems, medicine and pharmacology (new drugs...
Because fission is the result of competition between electrostatic and nuclear forces, information about the distribution of charge is critical to understanding the dynamics of a fissioning nucleus, as well as refining the parameters of fission process models needed for their developing. In this regard, the measurement of the charges of fission fragments is a crucially important task,...
This paper discusses aspects of the application of multiparametric ionizing radiation detection systems (MPSR) for the analysis of the composition of liquid radiochemical samples. Liquid active samples may occur, for example, in experiments or production processes of hydrometallurgy or activation analysis.
Currently, MPSR are not widely used in radiochemistry, but such a systems are...
At present, an optical-model analysis of the scattering of nucleons by light nuclei, which have a cluster structure and collective states, is used.
We have calculated the cross sections of fast neutron scattering on even-even nuclei of 1p shell used by rotational variants of CCOM. Nuclei with an unfilled 1p-shell are deformed and have a non-uniform nucleon distribution density.
The cross...
In this work the new methods for neutron detection in low background experiments are presented.
During study of background conditions of νGeN and Ricochet neutrino experiments is has been shown that low intrinsic background helium-3 filled tubes are suitable not only for well known detection of thermal neutrons, but also for the fast neutrons with energies up to few MeV.
Alternative to...
In [1,2], in the framework of a general approach to the covariant description of the structure of half-integer spin nuclei, analytical expressions were found for the multipole expansion of the structure functions in the differential cross section for elastic scattering of longitudinally polarized leptons
The reason to turn once again to the question of the natural width Гγ of the
γ-radiation line of nuclei is provided by the discovery of an increase in the half-life T1/2 for nuclear isomers in a metal matrix (see ref. [1] and references therein). For nuclei in such a matrix, a decrease in the width Гγ can be expected, since, according to generally accepted concepts, Гγ / T1/2 for the...
A two-coordinate position-sensitive silicon detector of fast neutrons [1] was developed at Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Dubna, Russia within the framework of the TANGRA (TAgged Neutron and Gamma RAys) project [2].
The detector is composed of four double-sided 300 µm thick silicon plates with the dimensions of 60×60 mm2 divided into 32x32 strips on both sides with strip's pitch...
Beta-decay is a specific decay process that undergoes a reaction with thee-particle product composition that results in continuous spectral shape of electrons or positrons. The shape of the spectrum was described already in 1934 by E. Fermi [1], but such description appeared to be valid only for allowed transitions (ΔI = 0,1 Δπ = 1). Involvement of nuclear exchange in other types of...
The isotope 210Bi is an element of 238U natural decay chain. As decay product of 222Rn gas and subsequent long-lived 210Pb, the 210Bi isotope is present inside and on the surface of all structural materials. At present, accurate measurement of 210Bi β-spectrum is necessary for background simulation of modern neutrino and dark matter detectors, as well as for other low-background experiments....
A test experiment to determine the cluster structure of the excited states of the 6Li nucleus in the n + 6Li reaction with registration of charged particles and neutrons in coincidence was carried out on the RADEX neutron channel of INR RAS. Charged particles were registered by a telescope of silicon ∆E-E detectors at an angle of 50º in a small vacuum scattering chamber with a mounted 6Li2CO3...
R. Bekmirzaev1, M.U.Sultanov2, S. Yuldashev3
1State Pedagogical Institutes, 130100, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
2State Architecture and Civil Engineering Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
3Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
The construction of...
The results of an investigation of silicon carbide (SiC) detectors when irradiated with neutrons are presented. SiC detectors were manufactured on the basis of the epitaxial layer of 4H-SiC n-type conductivity. The thickness of n-type epitaxial layer was 50 µm. Schottky barrier contacts with a diameter of 3.0 mm were made by vacuum evaporation of a double layer of Ni and Au 10 and 30 nm thick....
To reproduce absorbed dose units, directional and individual dose equivalents of beta radiation in tissue-equivalent matter, and to transfer the obtained units to working standards and dosimeters of beta radiation, beta radiation dosimetry units are used, which form the reference fields from radionuclide beta radiation sources.
The relevance of the study of few-nucleon systems is motivated by the fact that there is a large amount of experimental data for the reactions of nucleon scattering on deuterons, both elastic and inelastic. New corresponding experiments with increased accuracy and at high energies are also planned (JLab, NICA). Accordingly, a theoretical study is required. There are a large number of...
In the work, by the method of gamma - spectroscopy [1,2], new data are presented on the deep recharge of the Nizhnechutinsk oil field by ascending gases and hydrotherms with different elemental composition. It has been established that formation waters, as well as oils, are enriched in As, Br, Ba, Re, Ir, Au, REE in the fluid replenishment zones. In this case, the greatest differences relate...
Silicon carbide (SiC) is very perspective material for fabrication radiation-tolerant electronics, high-temperature electronics as well as for nuclear radiation detectors for working in harsh environments. SiC has obtained increasing interest due to achievement of a high purity level in the crystal structure and considerable thickness (> 100 µm) in the epitaxial layer. SiC is mostly...
An experimental method is presented for simply obtaining the mass distributions of fission fragments.
A feature of this method is the simultaneous use of two detectors for time-of-flight measurements, one of which is considered as a start detector and the other as a stop detector. The relevant quantity in the described method is the difference in the time of flight of two coinciding...
The event-by-event selection of nucleus-nucleus interactions with well-defined initial conditions of the interaction point (IP) location in the experiment at NICA collider, beam-gas collisions suppression, precise event time definition, as well as control of luminosity, are important both for data collection and for the off-line analysis of the results of upcoming measurements at JINR. For...
Systematic study of forward-angle inclusive yields of nuclei with atomic numbers 4<Z<20 produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions of the 40Ar projectile on the 9Be target in the Fermi energy domain (40 A MeV) was carried out. The reaction products were measured by using the double achromatic fragment-separator COMBAS [1, 2] in the spectrometry mode at FLNR, JINR (Dubna). The inclusive velocity,...
Nucleosynthesis at large magnetic induction relevant for core-collapse supernovae, and neutron star mergers is considered. For respective magnetic fields of a strength up to ten teratesla atomic nuclei exhibit linear magnetic response due to the Zeeman effect. Such nuclear reactivity can be described in terms of magnetic susceptibility [1]. Susceptibility maxima correspond to half-filled...
The large territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are characterized by a different radiation environment due to the mining (coal, gas, non-ferrous metals and uranium), the geological conditions, seismic activities and mountainous areas. In this case, the radiation environment is influenced by radioactive gases (radon, thoron), together with their decay products,...
This work presents work results of investigation of the isomeric yield ratios of the $^{110} Pd (\gamma,n)^{109m,g} Pd$, $^{110} Pd (n,2n) ^{109m,g} Pd$ and $^{108} Pd (n,\gamma) ^{109m,g} Pd$ reactions. The isomeric yield ratios were measured by the induced radioactivity method. Samples of natural Pd (Palladium metal foils) have been irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam in the energy range...
Currently, gamma radiation is widely used in the treatment of cancer. In particular, in the treatment of oncological diseases, the ELEKTA AXESSE medical linear accelerator is used, which forms beams of gamma rays with energies of 10 MeV and 15 MeV. Gamma radiation of such energies is highly penetrating and thus capable of being absorbed in a sufficiently large volume of biological material....
The energy crisis is currently one of the pressing global problems. And one of the solutions to this problem is the use of a highly efficient resource - nuclear energy. The use and development of this resource is constrained by the safety factor in the operation of nuclear reactors. Today, concrete is widely used as a material for radiation protection: it is cheap, it is easy to form...
The isomeric ratios in reactions of the $(\gamma, n)$, $(n, 2n)$ and $(n, \gamma)$ types on $^{180,200}Hg$ nuclei in the energy range of $10-35$ MeV have been studied by the method of induced activity. Samples of mercury oxide (HgO) have been irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam of the betatron of the National University of Uzbekistan in the energy range of $10 \pm 35$ MeV with an energy step...
According to the ICRP (publications No. 50 and No. 65), radon and its decay products (Rn-DP) contribute more than 50% to the total radiation background. In Kazakhstan, cancer incidence rates remain among the highest among the CIS countries [1-2] and 28831 new cases were detected in 2020 [3]. Currently, it has been proven that the main cause of lung cancer is smoking [4]. However, despite the...
To determine the possibility of studying various cluster structures (for example, [1]) in light nuclei on the RADEX neutron channel of the MMF INR RAS accelerator, it is necessary to carry out a study to measure the background between accelerator pulses (the level, composition and time distribution of it). For example, when searching for the cluster structure of α-4n-α and 8Be-4n in the...
At present time a wide search of effective technology to deactivate reactor graphite is very acute due to the large volumes of accumulated irradiated graphite in the world (about 100 thousand tons) and the challenging problem of uranium-graphite reactors decommissioning period. The ion-plasma technology (IPT) for deactivation of reactor graphite has advantage compared with traditional...
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images have different normalization of the Hounsfield Units (HU), artifacts and a limited field of view. That is all creates difficulties for the CBCT dose recalculation. In this study we assess the possibility of using several CBCT sets for replanning or further dose evaluation for long target cases.
Doses were calculated in the anthropomorphic phantom...
The work was carried out, during which the effect of the additional accelerating system "flat-top" on the beam of accelerated ions was studied and verified. This technology makes it possible to reduce the energy spread in accelerated ion clumps and implement an effective single-turn output, which consequently increases the efficiency of beam transmission.
Using the Wilson confinement criterion, a holographic model for finding a string-like spectrum of meson excitations is proposed. The model is applied to the vector and scalar mesons and a good agreement is obtained both with the existing experimental data and with some other known phenomenological approaches. The constructed model provides a novel realization of spontaneous chiral symmetry...
The measurement of cross sections for neutron scattering by deformed nuclei in the energy range from 1 keV to 3 MeV is possible on the time-of-flight (TOF) channel of a pulsed neutron source based on a linac proton beam trap. The use of a beam with a duration of 0.3 μs will make it possible to measure neutron cross sections in this energy range with a resolution of (1–30)% over a 50 m span....
In this work the analog, digital and combination (analog-digital) electronic readout methods of pulse analysis of ΔE-E telescope detectors were studied. The ΔE-E telescope, consisting of thin Si-detector (H = 100 um) as a ΔE detector and CsI(Tl) scintillator (H = 20 mm) activated with Tl 0.7% as an E detector was used. The analog method of pulse analysis was carried out by using a dual...