In this paper, based on Glauber's diffraction theory, we analyze the results of a recent experiment [1] on the scattering of protons by 7Ве and 8В nuclei at an energy of 0.7 GeV/nucleon, in the range of momentum transfer 0.002≤ |t|≤ 0.05 (ГэВ/с)2. The experiments were carried out by the GSI-PNPI collaboration (Germany-Russia) on the GSI radioactive beam (Darmstadt, Germany) in inverse kinematics.
In our calculations, the internal state of the 7Ве and 8В nuclei under study are described on the basis of (α-τ) two- and (α-τ-p) three-particle cluster models, respectively. The wave functions of these nuclei [2], obtained on the basis of the above cluster models, describe well their static characteristics.
The parameters of the elementary NN- and Nα-amplitudes required for our calculations are taken from other works. However, there are currently no data on elementary Nτ amplitudes in the scientific literature. In this connection, we separately considered elastic p3He scattering in the kinematic region in which it corresponds to our calculations for proton scattering by 7Be and 8B. We succeeded in describing satisfactorily the experimental data on p3He scattering [3]. Further, the calculation scheme used here was transferred to calculations on p7Be and p8B scattering.
Our calculations of proton scattering by 7Ве and 8В are in good agreement with the data of [1]. However, these experiments were performed for small scattering angles. We carried out calculations up to scattering angles of ~ 50° and determined the contributions to the cross section from one-, two-, and three-fold scattering. At small angles, single scattering dominates, the contribution of double scattering is compared with it in the region of 25°. The contribution of triple scattering in elastic p8B scattering appears at 40°. In the future, it is planned to carry out similar calculations on the scattering of π- and K-mesons and to carry out a comparative analysis of the obtained calculations.
This work is carried out within the framework of the scientific project АР08855589
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Section | 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions |
The speaker is a student or young scientist | No |