Alena Kuznetsova
GRAND is a Gas-filled Recoil Analyzer and Nuclei Detector (see Fig.1), which created for experiments on the synthesis of super heavy elements. Facility is installed at 4th beam line of the cyclotron DC-280[2] in the SHE Factory at FLNR [1]. This separator has the scheme QvDhQhQvD. Helium with a pressure of P=0.7-1.5 mBa is used as the gas. The ion optical calculations for the complete system have been checked by placing 226Ra source at the target position and transporting the emitted α-particles to a position sensitive detector at the focal plane.
As well as tests with complete fusion reactions 174Yb(48Ca,xn)222Th, 170Er(48Ca,xn)218Ra and 208Pb(48Ca,xn)256No* were done.
- S. Dmitriev, et al., Status EPJ Web Conf.131 (08001) (2016) 1-6.
- G.G. Gulbekian, et al., Phys. Part. Nuclei Lett. 16 (6) (2019) 866-875.
The speaker is a student or young scientist | Yes |
Section | 1. Nuclear structure: theory and experiment |
Primary authors
Alena Kuznetsova
A. I. Svirikhin
A.V. Yeremin
A Lopez-Martens
(3Center for Nuclear and Material Science, National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, 91400 France. )
K Hauschild
(3Center for Nuclear and Material Science, National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, 91400 France)
A.G. Popeko
O.N. Malyshev
V.I. Chepigin
A.V. Isaev
I.N. Izosimov
Yu.A. Popov
M.L. Chelnokov
O Dorvaux
(4National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, 67037 France)
B Gall
(4National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, 67037 France)
M.S. Tezekbayeva
(5Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, 050032 Kazakhstan)
B.S. Sailaubekov
(L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.)
N.I. Zamyatin
R.S. Mukhin