Neutrino physics and nuclear astrophysics
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Neutrino physics and nuclear astrophysics
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Neutrino physics and nuclear astrophysics
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Neutrino physics and nuclear astrophysics
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The primary cosmic particles with very high energies are initiating huge cascades of various secondary particles in the atmosphere. The atmospheric muon spectrum at energies from 100 up to $10^{5}$ GeV is formed in decays of the most energetic $\pi$ and K mesons produced by the primary protons and more heavy nuclei with energies above the threshold and up to $10^{7}$ GeV. The primary nuclei...
The asymmetry of baryon/antibaryon production has been measured in many proton-proton, pion-proton and electron-proton experiments. In the framework of Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM) the energy dependence of asymmetry tells us about the value of $\alpha_{SJ}$(0), the intercept of String Junction Regge trajectory. In previous QGSM study, the value of intercept has been estimated as 0.5 <...
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A modified quasiparticle model approach is used in the expansion of early universe of quark gluon plasma. We also used Friedmann equation to determine the precise time evolution of the thermodynamic parameters in the early universe of quark gluon plasma (QGP). The output for time variation of the energy density and the time evolution of temperature using finite value of thermal dependent quark...
It is carried out evaluations of parameters values for the model with three active and three sterile neutrinos [1], namely, mixing parameters between active and sterile neutrinos and sterile neutrinos masses. When doing that, results of the BEST experiment (Baksan Experiment on Sterile Transitions) are used [2]. The BEST experiment intends to verification of the gallium anomaly at short...
Observation of lantanides in the spectrum of kilonova after gamma-burst and gravitational waves registration [1] confirmed theoretical r-process scenario [2], connected with the neutron star merger (NSM) at the end of close binary system evolution.
After numerous investigations of the neutron star merger process and following registration of NSM it became definitely clear, that such a...
Neutron stars (NS) are hydrostatically equilibrium stars, the matter of which consists mainly of neutrons and has a density of the order of the nuclear one. In NS a wide range of extreme states of matter is realized, therefore study of NS is important not only for astrophysics, but also for nuclear physics. Renewed interest in NS physics has been inspired by first registration of gravitational...
The inner crust of neutron stars contains nuclei with large neutron excess. Furthermore, in the deepest layers they can take a substantially non-spherical shape (this region is typically referred to as mantle) [1]. The stability of spherical nuclei in inner crust with respect to fission was considered in [2]. The authors apply the fission instability criterion for spherical nuclei, derived by...
When considering elasticity in terrestrial conditions, one can safely neglect the nuclear size and treat nuclei as point charges, which create the electrostatic potential for electrons. However, it is not the case for the deepest layers of neutron star inner crust, where the distance between nuclei becomes of the same order as their sizes (e.g. [1,2]). In these conditions, the electrostatic...
The astrophysical r-process of nucleosynthesis is widely considered to explain the production of major amount of nuclei beyond the iron peak. This nucleosynthesis mechanism poses great interest to both astrophysics and nuclear physics. Taking place at temperatures above 1 GK and very high densities, it is believed to occur in extreme astrophysical scenarios, such as neutron star mergers and...
The KamLAND-Zen experiment provided new stringent constraints on the neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay half-life in Xe-136 using a xenon-loaded liquid scintillator. Improved search was based on an upgraded detector with almost double the amount of enriched xenon and an ultra-low radioactivity container, corresponding to an exposure of 970 kg yr of Xe-136. This new data provides valuable...
Using the Geant4 code, we have performed [1] a thorough simulation of the LSD detector response to the neutrino burst from SN 1987A. The neutrino flux parameters were chosen according to one of the models: the standard collapse model or the rotational supernova explosion model [2]. We showed that, depending on the chosen parameters, one can either obtain the required number of pulses in the...
Uranium and thorium are distributed in all natural materials surrounding us and, in particularly, in the construction materials of low background detectors. Therefore, the (α,n) and (α,nγ) reactions which occur as a result of α-decays of U, Th and their daughters generate intrinsic neutron and gamma backgrounds for the modern ultra-pure neutrino and dark matter detectors. To construct a low...
The Large Volume Detector (LVD), located at the Gran Sasso Low Background Laboratory in Italy, is built to search for neutrinos from stellar core collapses in our galaxy. [1, 2].
The peculiarity of the search for rare events requires close attention to the background of the experiment, such as the natural radioactivity of the rock and detector materials [3] and particles of the interaction...
In nucleosynthesis of heavy nuclei, following neutron star merger (NSM) [1], short-lived not experimentally researched nuclei are involved. That is why for their formation modelling the global predictions of different nuclear parameters are needed. The beta-decay rate is one of the main important parameter of such short lived nuclei. Heavy nuclei abundance calculation, taking into account...
Nowadays a considerable attention is paid to experiments on two-neutrino double beta decay of stable isotopes. In large-scale projects a great amount of data on 22-transitions is accumulated, which gives the possibility to build the intensity distribution on total emitted electrons energy.. These information can be used in searching for new physics, for example, aimed at investigation of...
Search for β+β+, β+EC, EC/EC decay of 106Cd was performed at the Modane underground laboratory (LSM, France, 4800 m w.e.) using the low-background multi-detector spectrometer TGV-2 [1] and 106Cd with enrichment of 99.57%. The detector part of the spectrometer is composed of 32 HPGe planar type detectors each with sensitive volume of 20.4 cm2 0.6 cm. 16 foils of 106Cd with a thickness of...
Possible temporal variations of nucleus decay parameters were studied extensively in the last years, their observation can be the signal of unknown physical effects. Several experiments reported the annual and daily decay rate oscillations in alpha and beta-decays of some radioactive nuclides at the level of .05 % [1,2]. Also, correlation of Mn-54 e-capture decay rate with...
The winning properties combination of the β--decayed 8Li isotope (short $T {_{1/2}}$= 0.84 s, hard and known antineutrino spectrum (with maximum at ~13 MeV and average energy = 6.5 MeV) and availability of lithium are the undoubted base to consider 8Li as the very perspective isotope for construction of the antineutrino source as the powerful instrument for different neutrino experiments. In...