In the near future, the BM@N experiment at the Nuclotron at JINR in
Dubna will start a physics program with heavy ions including Au-beams at
energies up to 3.8 A GeV and intensities up to 2⋅10^6 ions/s. The
experiment is devoted to measure observables sensitive to the equation
of state of dense baryonic matter, and to search for indications of a
phase transition at high densities. To meet these goals, the existing
BM@N set-up will be upgraded with fast hybrid tracking system, which
includes beam tracking detectors, a large aperture silicon tracking
system, GEM stations and cathode strip chambers. The measurement of the
event plane and centrality will be achieved with a forward hadron
calorimeter and granular hodoscopes. The physics program, the
configuration of the upgraded BM@N set-up, results of physics
performances studies will be presented.
Section | 3. Intermediate and high energies, heavy ion collisions |
The speaker is a student or young scientist | No |