The forward hadron calorimeters (FHCal) in the ongoing MPD/NICA (JINR, Dubna, Russia) [1] experiment will be used to measure the centrality, orientation of the event plane, and to study the properties of spectators. The possibility of studying spectators in heavy-ions collisions with FHCal is provided by the fine segmentation of the calorimeter, which consists of 44 lead/scintillator modules. The properties of spectator matter as a dependence on centrality in Monte-Carlo simulations have been studied in this work. Several observables that describe the spatial-energy distribution of spectators in FHCal modules are presented. The observables were obtained by a two-dimensional fit of energy deposition in the modules of the calorimeter. The report shows how the distributions of the observables depend on the collisions impact parameters.
- MPD Collaboration. V. Abgaryan et al. e-Print: 2202.08970 [physics.ins-det] (2022)
The speaker is a student or young scientist | Yes |
Section | 3. Intermediate and high energies, heavy ion collisions |