Opening day
Submission deadline
Call for abstracts will be open from February 1 to April 15, 2022.
You will need to be logged in with a user account on the SINP's INDICO server in order to submit an abstract. If you don't already have the user account then please follow these steps to register a new one:
- Click the abstract submission button below, you will see a password entry window.
- In the password entry window click on the "If you don't have an Indico account, create one here" link and follow the instructions to enter your e-mail address.
- You will receive a verification e-mail message (please check the Spam folder of your e-mail program if you don't receive the verification message within 10 minutes). Open the link in the e-mail message.
- A user registration form will be shown. In it, enter your name, affiliation, and the desired login name and password that you wish to use. Please remember or write down the login name and password for future use.
- After the user registration is successfully completed you will be presented with the abstract submission form and will be able to upload a new abstract.
- Done.
Abstracts should be prepared and uploaded in the Word .DOCX format. Maximum file size is 150 kb. Abstract template can be downloaded here: nucleus-2022-abstract-template.docx. Only abstracts in English are accepted. Please don't forget to attach the file with the abstract in the abstract submission form using the Attachments field.
Important! After submitting the abstract please fill out the participant survey form in order to indicate whether you plan to participate in person or remotely.