The real-time weather analysis of physical quantities that could be interesting for MiniEUSO data analysis. Here we discuss the operational chain to retrieve, analyse and plot some atmosphere related quantities that could be associated with the MiniEUSO session data as metadata.
Moreover, we discuss the opportunity to detect cloud pattern and cloud cover directly from the MiniEUSO sensors,...
Main Electronics Box (MEB) of the EUSO-SPB2 Cherenkov Telescope (CT) contains all electronic components of the CT data acquisition system . It will be mounted in a proximity to the focal plane unit to minimize cable length. Design status of all MEB components will be presented. Parameters of the designed High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS) and thermal constraints will be described. Possible ways...
Brief review on meteor and interstellar meteors with examples taken from the italian PRISMA fireball network
One of the most mysterious events measured by the TUS detector are the so-called EAS-like events which are events with a spatio-temporal pattern typical for the EAS fluorescence. Here we present the procedure to reconstruct these events and also discuss their possible origin.
I will discuss the sensitivity of POEMMA to search for extreme energy photons originating in the decay superheavy dark mattering the Galactic halo.
Summary of the current status of the air shower search - methods, results.
This talk discusses the TLEs that can be observed with POEMMA and speculates about other TLEs that should be discoverable using POEMMA because of its large field of view, sensitivity and speed.
I will report:
- Quick review and update of study of Space Debris (SD) detection by Mini-EUSO-like telescope with ESAF and MASTER,
- Application of the SD trigger to Mini-EUSO meteor data, study of its performance
- Preliminary estimation of more realistic sensitivity for SD detection by Mini-EUSO-like telescope